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Upgrade from a 1-month to a 6-month subscription

We want to offer users who have already subscribed an upgrade from a 1-month plan to a 6-month plan. When we show them our custom (React Native) paywall, no Offering or Product is displayed.

  let offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();

What is the best way to set this up?
- Do we need to set up a new Offering with RevenueCat?
- Do we need a new Targeting to show this new Offering only to subscribed customers?
- Or should we just choose and display the offering oursleves like so


Thanks in advance

I also don’t want to change the code when we later add more subscription periods.

Hi, what you’ll want to do is create an offering with just the 6-month subscription and then display that to those users. You can do this by overriding the offering for users with a 1-month subscription either via the dashboard here or our API here and should not need to change your current code. 

Our Targeting does not currently have an option to filter by latest product purchased, but you could try to use targeting via a ‘custom attribute’ by create custom subscriber attributes for your subscribers, see here

Thank you! Targeting with custom attributes works fine for me.

It might be a nice feature to have a targeting for users who already have a subscription ;)

I have more issues with the upgrade feature: If I use the the Android sandbox to subscribe to the one-month plan and then upgrade to the six-month plan I get 2 subscriptions 😮

I canceled then one subscription  in my device settings and the subscription status in the app disappeared but I still got the sandbox receipts of the other subscription every 5 minutes.

Both offerings I created with RevCat contain the same packages and the same products. Only the offerings and the targeting were different, so I assume this is an issue of the Android sandbox. Otherwise it would be possible to buy the same PlayStore product twice. Can you confirm this?

The other smaller issue is that I also have to keep track of the subscription period in my attributes because I don't want to do this offer to users with the 6-month subscription.

Hi ​@kaimys, Google does allow users to purchase multiple subscriptions so it might be that there is a problem with the way you tried upgrading the subscription. I have replied to your support ticket on this asking for some more information from you, let us continue discussion there.

Hi Haley, thanks for the reply, we already figured out that our setup on the PlayStore is probably the  issue here. We used another Subscription instead of an additional Base Plan within in the same Subscription. So we have to reorganize our setup.

The setup on Apples AppStore was ok though (one additional Subscription within one Subscription Group). All these terms are pretty puzzling when you first starting your setup...
