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Apple - App Store Connect.

I added new subscriptions to my app. The status for subscription itself and App Store Localization shows “Waiting for Review” since 5 days now.

The app was approved within 24 hours is not functional as designed due missing subscriptions.

  • Is there anything I can do?
  • App Store Connect changes sometimes design and setup. Is there possibly a common mistake I could have made?

Many thanks,

Subscriptions became “Approved” right now - after 6 days now.
However I still wonder why app/subscription reviews cannot be synchronized to avoid that a half broken app shows up in App Store?!

Hi @geohei,

Sorry to hear that you had that experience. That’s unfortunately common that the app and in-app products get reviewed at different times. I recommend setting your new app version so that you release it manually to make sure the in-app products are reviewed first. You can also make your paywalls dynamic with offerings and RevenueCat paywalls so that you can update the paywalls remotely whenever the products have been approved.

Thanks for the confirmation that all that is “normal” for Apple review.
I’ll consider your remarks regarding RC paywalls for my next project.
Many thanks!