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Hi, I cannot fetch offerings in Xcode, I set a NON Consumable IAP, and on 
product → store status there is a message: could not check 

Connection issue.

Make sure the App Store Connect API credentials are configured properly.

How can I handle this?

Hi ​@Alberto Giambone,

We can only fetch the store status of your products if you set up the App Store Connect API key. It’s not required but recommended. I see that you don’t have it set in your project, here’s the guide on how to do it if you want to.

If you are using Xcode, I’d ask you if you are testing with a simulator or with a real device. If you are using a simulator, you’d need to set up the StoreKit Configuration file.

If you are testing with a physical device, your products must be in Ready to submit state and all your agreements in App Store Connect > Business must be signed and valid.

Let me know if that works!
