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Hi Everyone,

HAppy New Year!
II had a customer register recently and his son attempted to register too, but his dad had used his iTunes account, therefore the son couldn’t start another subscription for his account.

How can we get around that problem? Technically speaking each user should have their own subscription associated to their email address. In this case I had to let the son submit his request using his Dads subscription.

Hope that makes sense. Not a real technical issue, but one I hope the community can help with.


Thanks in advance

Nick Cockinos
Redhot Internet Solutions Pty Ltd


Hi ​@OzNick! Happy New Year! Unfortunately, Apple ties all purchases to the underlying Apple ID. This means exactly what you learned - if two people are using the same Apple ID (or a purchase was made for one customer on another’s Apple ID) - all purchases are contained within the same receipt and are thus treated as the same subscriber. 

We have different restore/transfer behaviors, one of which might be helpful for your use case (transfer if there are no active subscriptions). Unless the situation you described is very common, however, we generally suggest keeping the default restore behavior (transfer to new app user ID) enabled.