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I want to send a reminder to users when their subscription is about to renew. On a daily basis, I need to determine the users whose subscription will automatically renew in the next X days.

I know I could do this with the Customer Lists feature, but to my understanding, that would require manual effort. I am looking for a way to programmatically query Revenue Cat.

Is there a REST API I could use?

Or, is there another way I can do this?

Hi! You could use the Get or Create Customer endpoint in order to access data regarding a user’s subscription where you can use the expires_date field, which represents the next renewal date if the unsubscribe_detected_at field is null. You could also use Scheduled Data Exports in order to be sent the transaction data from your app once daily which you could query to filter out the subscriptions that are renewing in X days.

You could use the Get or Create Customer endpoint in order to access data regarding a user’s subscription

Thanks for the response.

The user id is required for this endpoint, meaning I would have to hit it once per user. That’s not very practical.

What would be great is if there were a GET /subscribers endpoint with optional query string parameters that I could use to filter for the set of users who are scheduled to renew in 30 days (for example).

I could subscribe to the webhook, but I was really hoping to use RevenueCat as the single source of truth here, rather than mirroring the data on my backend. But I can’t do that unless you add some querying capability to your API.

The Scheduled Data Export is a possibility.

You’re welcome. While our current API does only have that endpoint where you would need to call for the individual user, we do have a “Get a List of Customers” endpoint in our Beta API, however it does not have the ability to query that you mentioned. Here is the form if you would like to be added to the Beta. I will pass on your suggestion for querying capability to the rest of the RevenueCat team.