
Restore purchase event

  • 23 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +8



Is there any way to either get restore purchase in the data RevenueCat is exporting to S3 or in the events that are sent to Amplitude?

We are having a hard time merging users that do a restore purchase on a different device. It’s two different users on Amplitude which is not correct. For now, we don’t have user accounts on our app, so we don’t have a specific id for each user but an id based on the device.

Thank you,

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey There! 


Unfortunately there isn't a way to get a restored purchase specifically from the ETL exports, but you can use the following as indicators of a transfer. 


rc_original_app_user_id   Can be used as a unique user identifier to find all of a user's transactions.

Can be used together with rc_original_app_user_id to match transactions with user identifiers in your systems.


If a user has a new alias, it is likely due to the fact that a transfer has occurred so that can be a useful pointer here. 


Hope this helps! 
