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I have a react-native app that uses "react-native-purchases": "^8.2.3". I have followed the steps in the docs but I still can’t get it to work.

iOS and Google works fine. 

This is how I initialize IAP:

apiKey: <key>,
useAmazon: true

when I call

const products = await Purchases.getProducts(uSubscriptions.MONTHLY, Subscriptions.ANNUALY], PRODUCT_CATEGORY.SUBSCRIPTION)

I always get 

`Timeout error trying to get Amazon user data`



Hey @allan-uy-b37a8a !


Are you following the Amazon test guide here and using LAT? Also, when looking into debug logs what errors are you seeing? 

Hi @Michael Fogel 

Yes, I followed the guide. This is the error I’m getting:

There was a problem with the store.

Failed to get user data. Make sure sandbox mode is enabled if using App Tester. 


I’m testing it using Live App Testing on an actual device.


Based on my understanding, that error should only occur when I’m using App Tester right? 

If I’m using the App Tester debug mode, this is the log shows



@allan-uy-b37a8a I would stick with LAT for testing.

Usually the Store Problem error is caused by some configuration error in either Amazon's developer dashboard. Basically the app on the device is unable to communicate with Amazon. In that case it makes sense to double check some of the quicker points before we move on to additional troubleshooting:

  1. Did you add the Amazon public key (the .pem file) to your Android Studio project? Amazon documents this here: (if you already have, try repeating this step, as it has solved the error for some of our customers in the past)
  2. Did you add live app testers to your build: