if (Platform.isAndroid) { print('android haui'); kProductIds = { googleGoldSubscription, googlePlatinumSubscription }; Purchases.setup(googleApiKey);} else { kProductIds = { appleGoldSubscription, applePlatinumSubscription }; Purchases.setup(appleApiKey);}
List<StoreProduct> storeProducts = await Purchases.getProducts( kProductIds.toList());
if (storeProducts.isNotEmpty) { setState(() { for (var product in storeProducts) { subscriptionPrices[product.title] = SubscriptionInfo( price: product.price, currencyCode: product.currencyCode, ); } }); String jsonString = jsonEncode(subscriptionPrices.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.toJson()))); await prefs.setString('subscriptionPrices', jsonString);} else { if (kDebugMode) { print('No products found.'); }}i have verified the api keys and the product identifiers they are matchingit works fine for ios but when i run it on android it return“No products found.”any idea why this is happening