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I know (now) I can add different subscriptions to different groups. Which will restrict users into a group. However as the option of using different groups was not known my app has all subscriptions within the same group.

Subscription A $15

Subscription B $10

In my app Subscription B is only offered if certain criteria are met and the relevant paywall is displayed. Unfortunately as both Subscriptions are in the same group users can through their Apple Account > Subscriptions. Move to Subscription B. I know now I can prevent this with different groups but I want to stop it.

In AppStoreConnect I see the option to turn off “Streamlined Purchasing”. Is this enough to prevent moving between subscriptions in the device settings and will force users to need to make purchases through the app so its logic can be applied?


As I can not move product ID’s between groups. I have to set up a new ID “Subscription C”. In the new group. My thinking is to remove Subscription B from sale. This will then not renew existing subscribers. However their access will continue for its remaining duration. Then when this subscription expires I will present them with the “Subscription C” paywall. Will revenuecat ensure that restores will continue if still within the subscription period even though the product is no longer for sale? 


is this even the correct approach to migrate users to different subscription group?



Answering my own question via chatGPT. posting here to help others

1. **Streamlined Purchasing in App Store Connect**:  
   Turning off "Streamlined Purchasing" can prevent users from switching between subscriptions directly through the Apple Account > Subscriptions settings, but it doesn’t completely force users to use your app for the purchase flow. The option is designed to give users a smoother purchasing experience, but turning it off will limit how users can manage their subscriptions from within the device settings. However, to fully ensure that your app's logic and criteria are enforced when changing subscriptions, you should also manage the logic around offering or upgrading subscriptions within the app itself. This means users would need to go through the app's UI to switch or upgrade, rather than being able to make changes from the device settings.

2. **Moving Product IDs Between Groups**:  
   Since you cannot move product IDs between groups and you're thinking of setting up a new ID ("Subscription C") in a different group, your plan to phase out Subscription B is a good approach. When Subscription B is removed from sale, existing subscribers can still renew until their subscription expires. During this time, their access should remain uninterrupted.

3. **RevenueCat Restores for Expired Subscriptions**:  
   RevenueCat will continue to restore subscriptions even after the product is no longer available for purchase, as long as the user is still within the valid period of their existing subscription. So, even though Subscription B will be removed from sale, users who are still subscribed will be able to restore their purchases through RevenueCat and continue to access the app until their subscription expires.

4. **Correct Approach for Migrating Users**:  
   This is generally the correct approach for migrating users to a different subscription group if you want to prevent them from switching between subscriptions via the Apple Account settings. By phasing out Subscription B and creating Subscription C in a new group, you're effectively managing this migration while also ensuring that access is maintained until the expiration of the old subscription. The key here is to handle the transition in a way that aligns with the rules for each subscription group and to make sure users are properly notified and presented with the correct paywall.

It's important to test this thoroughly to ensure that the migration works as expected, particularly around restoring subscriptions and ensuring that users are correctly moved to the new subscription group when Subscription B expires.
