My mobile game (I'm using unity SDK) got rejected by the google play store, the screenshot they provided of my paywall shows that the offers weren’t properly shown.
We didn’t change the paywall in this submission, and it seems to be working fine on the live version and on iOS.
When digging a bit on the potential reasons why, I found out that it is potentially related to the currency info or price property of the packages.
I know for a fact, from previous screenshots they sent me, that play store reviewers are sometimes from countries where my subscription offers are not available (India or Pakistan I think).
I feel this is conflicting with the fact that my app needs to get access to currency info and package price in order to show the offers.
How does revenue cat handle that weird case where the paywall is supposed to show offers that are actually not available to the playstore reviewer given its unsupported country ?
Any help appreciated thanks !