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I intend to have both subscription and consumable products in my app. If you want an example of the kind of setup I want, check Slopes: the app offers subscription (monthly/yearly) + consumables (passes to unlock one day or one week). In Slopes, the user can redeem the pass whenever he wants, but it’s not what I plan: I plan to use the consumable as soon it’s purchased. So if a user purchase a one week pass consumable, I want to unlock the content from the purchase date.

How would you setup the same thing using RevenueCat? Do I have to setup my own system to record the purchase date (= activation date in my case) then unlock the content based on this date? Or is it possible to access consumables purchase history in RevenueCat so I can check when a consumable had been purchased and unlock the content afterwards?



RevenueCat will handle keeping track of the purchase dates but you will have to keep track of the "expiration" date so that the user doesn't purchase twice (use the non_subscriptions array in our api

On a testflight build - we are getting multiple consumable transactions - so when the user buy 100 coins twice the 2nd time it adds 200. Is this something we should handle or ignore? Assuming live build will clear old consumable receipts?

Most logic behind consumables will need to be handled by your backend. We have some more info here:


In this case, I’d say yes—you should make sure a single purchase adds +100 coins to that user (in your database/backend) reliably.
