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How does RevenueCat manage iOS Subscription Events such as "Entered Grace Period", "Entered New Billing Retry", "Renewal from Billing Retry" and so on?

  • 23 September 2021
  • 1 reply


I was looking at the Subscription Retention chart and, when looking at total of Subscription activated, I saw more activations than the ones that Apple Connect shows me.
So I thought it could due to the fact that RevenueCat aggregate both users that has firstly activated a subscription and the ones that have activated it after the grace period, or with another payment method (billing retry), or even that have reactvated the subscription.

Unfortunately though, I haven’t find any guide to understand how RevenueCat manages and groups this kind of events.

May someone help me please?

Many thanks.

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1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hey @Stefano Tosini,

I saw that there’s currently an opened ticket in our ticket queue. I sent a reply through there asking for additional information. Once that’s resolved, we can pop back here to post the solution for others!



Grace period: For those who have entered a grace period, the subscription on the app store side is still considered as active. As a result, RevenueCat will also consider these as active for app user IDs that are currently in a grace period. This should not affect total subscriptions. 

Entered billing retry: This is the same as entering a grace period if you have that enabled, otherwise the subscription will be considered inactive since the app stores weren't able to charge the customer for a renewal. This should not affect total subscriptions. 

Renewals from grace period / billing retry: We count retention on a per-product basis. Due to this, if a customer renews from a grace period it would be counted as retained. This is the same for customers that have resubscribed to the same product. This should not affect total subscriptions. 

Refunds: RevenueCat filters out refunds in the subscription retention chart. This will affect total subscriptions.