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I am looking to give all of our company staff a free ‘upgrade’ to our paid plan.

I see in the docs about ‘granting entitlements’, but only users who have paid show up, so can be granted entitlements.  Is there a way to see all app users to grant entitlements to our staff?

Hey Justin!


There are a few options you can go here, all require some way to get the app user ID to grant the RevenueCat Promotional

  • Use RevenueCat’s customer lists to create a custom list with the following filter `First Purchase Date is null`. This will find you customers that have not purchased before. Note that customer lists are refreshed every hour.
  • If you have an email login, you can attach the email as a subscriber attribute to the app user ID. You will be able to search for the customer through their email on the RevenueCat dashboard. Documentation for reference: 
  • Some apps expose the app user ID through the settings page for support purposes. This is okay to do as long as other app user IDs cannot be guessable (e.g: no sequential IDs) for security purposes. You would have your staff share the ID they see in the app to gain free access.

If you know the App User Id, you can also search for this directly on the Customers page, without having to create a custom list first.
