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I'm working on a Flutter app with an in-app purchases. I'm looking for a solution to automatically close the purchase sheet after a specified amount of time. I’ve dug around and there doesn’t appear to be any obvious way of closing the sheet?

Just in general it doesn’t seem there is any way of closing the app, causing the sheet to stay open indefinitely even if the user signs out or background the app, until they click the “x” or just outside the sheet. 


Thank you!

Hey @the-cats-meow-ab88dc !


For Paywalls in our Flutter SDK, you can dismiss a close button by setting the parameter for displayCloseButton to true. This is available on the SDK version 6.18.0 and up. 


This will help you display the button itself when you want to. As for putting this on a timer, that will take some custom implementation on your end as we dont currently have a feature for this/ 


Let me know if that helps! 
