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I’ve been looking on already posted questions but didn’t found the answer about that.

I’ve been sending some promo codes for my Android and Apple application, the Apple promo code redeemed are marked as TRIAL in my console, but the Google Play ones are marked as a regular purchase with the real price while in the Google Play Console it’s marked with a 0.00€ revenue.


My issue here is that I suppose that it’s counted in the MMR (and thus i’ll pay 1% on the revenues if i reach the 2500$ threshold) while it doesn’t make me earn money, so in fact i’m losing money by giving promo code 😫 ? Or maybe the real MMR is recomputed after with the real transactions amount ? I don’t know.


Thanks for the clarification :)

Hi there, that is definitely not working as intended. I have looked into your app and it looks like we have not registered any offers for any of your Google purchases. Would you let me know which of your product has offers and it would be helpful to also include the Google order ID (the identifier that starts with `GPA...`) where an offer was used.

Hi, i’ve sent you a private message with information :) 

For the screenshots, i’ve created promotionnal codes from the /promotions of the Play Console, not subscriptions offers from the subscription panel. That is maybe my error here, but I don’t know why there is a difference between these 2 ways of giving a free subscription to my users 🤔


Thank you Mathieu for the screenshot and the information. I’m so sorry to tell you that RevenueCat isn’t able to support Promotional Code created this way. We mentioned this in our documentation: 

Google API does not provide this information to us at all unfortunately. We’re only able to detect the offers that are created within the subscription with the base plans. 

Sorry that this isn’t solving your problem. I’ll private message you to find a resolution so that you’re not being charged for these promo purchases.