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Our Android Live app is seeing a lot of the following errors when users try to pay for our app. 

Recently, a lot of users with newer Android phones are also having this issue so don’t believe it’s a Google Play version issue. 

Does anyone know what is causing this? 

"Purchases offerings error" {"code":3,"message":"The device or user is not allowed to make the purchase.","readableErrorCode":"PurchaseNotAllowedError","readable_error_code":"PurchaseNotAllowedError","underlyingErrorMessage":"Billing is not available in this device. DebugMessage: Google Play In-app Billing API version is less than 3. ErrorCode: BILLING_UNAVAILABLE."}

Hi, this error message would be thrown by Google if the user's on a very old version of the Play Store:
This is a device specific issue being thrown directly from Google on the device. If possible, if you can share the full debug logs there might be more clues:
Here's a link to the Google docs on the message:

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