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Get or Create Subscriber

  • 1 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Team,

We have setup 3 apps in our RevenueCat project. Apple, Google and Stripe. If we need to call the "Get or Create Subscriber" REST API, which API key we need to use. The app specific public API keys or the internal API key. Also, if a user has a play store subscription and if we try to fetch the user details using the Apple app public API key or vice versa will it work. Or is it a good practice to do so. Need help on this query. Awaiting your revert on the same.

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hello @Swapnil Gaikwad!

If you are calling endpoints via your own server, we recommend using a secret key:

If you’re configuring the SDK, you should always use the recommended platform key for the platform you are building on.
