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I have a iOS RevenueCat pricing experiment. 


Separate from that, I have offer codes that users can use to purchase the subscription (standard Apple offer codes). 


Will the experiment accurately exclude purchases made through offer codes? 

Hi @kgaidis! We’ve spoken in support, but I wanted to add a comment here for completeness.

Offer code purchases will be included in experiment results. Here's what we're doing when we generate experiment results:

  1. Grouping subscriber IDs into the variant they were enrolled in
  2. Finding all subscription starts (or one-time purchases) that occurred while the experiment was running
  3. Grabbing all other transactions from those subscriptions

We don’t support filtering by Offer Code to see how many customers came from that user journey, unfortunately, but the transaction will be included in the results for their variant.

Hi, thank you!

I feel like this is a bit unfortunate as a default because it can easily skew results accidentally. RevenueCat handles the experiments automatically because they come as the “current” offering. However, offer codes are “manually hard coded.” I don’t think RevenueCat has a feature that also splits offer codes? (might be impossible anyway).


For others that might read this in the future, it sounds like we need to create a separate product that’s not part of the experiment to provide offer codes.