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Dear Community,

My application was working fine for a couple weeks.  That is, the following codes would fetch the entitlement status.  However, since April 4, 2022, the customer entitlement .isActive kept returning true even when I don’t have a subscription.  Please help.  Thanks.


View Model 


    @Published var allAccess = false    

    init () {

        Purchases.shared.getCustomerInfo { (customerInfo, error) in

            //check customerInfo parameter for active entitlement

            if customerInfo?.entitlementsrConstants.entitlementIdentifier]?.isActive == true {

              // Unlock that great "pro" content

                self.allAccess = true






Hi @Chang Lee 

A few places to check to help debug:

Let me know if the above places indicate that the subscription should be expired! 

Hi @Chang Lee @tina ,

Sorry, do you guys have any solutions on this? I’m experiencing the same issue in Android 😥 it was working fine a couple of months ago but now the entitlements status keeps returning true even if I cancel the subscription, only if I clean the app cache, it updates the status to the correct one.

Hi @tina , we are also facing same issue in our app. Before we did not see such behaviour in production, but lately some portion of our users seems to be active according to “entitlements.isActive” method.
I checked with GET /subscribers endpoint, and in the response there is no entitlements seen. Also same user does not have any entitlement in their history page.
In our internal tests, we cannot reproduce that issue, but according our logs in firebase it happens.

Hi @tina , we are also facing same issue in our app. Before we did not see such behaviour in production, but lately some portion of our users seems to be active according to “entitlements.isActive” method.
I checked with GET /subscribers endpoint, and in the response there is no entitlements seen. Also same user does not have any entitlement in their history page.
In our internal tests, we cannot reproduce that issue, but according our logs in firebase it happens.

Hi @tina , we have still same problem and waiting for your help. 

Any feedback on this? I’m experiencing the same problem in iOS project.

First user subscribed fine yesterday. Now all other users are returning `isActive` of `true`.

Any feedback on this? I’m experiencing the same problem in iOS project.

First user subscribed fine yesterday. Now all other users are returning `isActive` of `true`.

I don’t know about others on this thread, but in my case, it was a programming error. As described in

You should never hardcode a string as an App User ID, since every install will be treated as the same user in RevenueCat. This will create problems and could unlock entitlements for users that haven't actually purchased.

When I saw “app user id”, I thought it was my app’s account/userid on RevenueCat platform, not a userid for the particular subscriber on my app.

Hello everyone,

I have the same problem on IOS. isActive is always true after the first subscription even when i unsubscribe. I’m using sandbox.
I’ve also tried with addCustomerInfoUpdateListener, but nothing happened.
Have someone found a way to resolve this?

Thanks in advance!
