One of our customers make subscriptions and we receive this webhook:
{ "api_version": "1.0", "event": { "aliases": [ "$RCAnonymousID:***b501b80f91" ], "app_id": "app1bd0ad1cf1", "app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:***b501b80f91", "environment": "PRODUCTION", "event_timestamp_ms": 1627351153536, "original_app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:***b501b80f91", "type": "INITIAL_PURCHASE" }}
After one hour customer change product and we receive this webhook:
{ "api_version": "1.0", "event": { "aliases": [ "$RCAnonymousID:***b501b80f91", "$RCAnonymousID:***776c3a98f0" ], "app_id": "app1bd0ad1cf1", "app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:***776c3a98f0", "environment": "PRODUCTION", "event_timestamp_ms": 1627351457649, "original_app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:***776c3a98f0", "type": "PRODUCT_CHANGE" }}
Why after product change RevenueCAT change “original_app_user_id” from ***b501b80f91 to ***776c3a98f0 and RevenueCAT ID ***b501b80f91 going from “original_app_user_id” to “aliases”?
How do we understand that this is one user, we search for a user by “original_app_user_id”, so for us it's like two different users. Never encountered this before, “original_app_user_id” was always the first, assigned to the user, no matter how the aliases changes