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In order to use Revenuecat in our app. What do we have to do from a legal perspective?

Do we need to display a consent? (Tracker?)

Do we have to inform the user on app start that we are using cookies?

Anything else?


Hey Rafael,

Please note that we can’t provide legal advice, so I recommend you review our privacy policy 

Do we need to display a consent? (Tracker?)

Only if you collect personally identifiable information (PII) via RevenueCat. By default RevenueCat doesn’t collect PII (such as emails, names, IP addresses, etc.) But any PII you send to RevenueCat must be disclosed.

Do we have to inform the user on app start that we are using cookies?

RevenueCat doesn't use cookies so you don't need to do that for RevenueCat. But you may need to show some kind of notification if you use cookies or any third-party services that use cookies.
