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I have a question regarding Testflight and beta testing. Previously, before submitting it to Testflight I could successfully subscribe and cancel subscriptions with the sandbox account that I created on App Store Connect. However now when I am testing with a real Apple account I manage to subscribe to a subscription, but I cannot cancel that subscription in the App Store settings by using the managementURL from RevenueCat. On the “Confirm Cancellation” screen when pressing confirm I get the following message: “Your request is temporarily unable to be processed, please try again later”. Have some of you experienced the same thing with beta testing on Testflight?



Hi ​@Lulle,

Are you able to cancel that subscription if you go to your sandbox Apple id account > Subscriptions and then trying to cancel it from there?


Hi ​@Lulle,

Are you able to cancel that subscription if you go to your sandbox Apple id account > Subscriptions and then trying to cancel it from there?


With a sandbox account yes, but not a regular Apple account on Testflight.

Same problemas here ​@Lulle.


If you have updates about this, please share with us.
