
Can't get purchases when play console review happens - Flutter/Android

  • 25 April 2024
  • 1 reply

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Im using RevenueCat Flutter package to implement subscriptions . When i’ve uploaded a build to the internal testing track on Google Play Console and added myself as a tester everything works perfectly and i can subscribe. However when i’ve uploaded the exact same build to production, the app review team are seeing the attached error message. Anyone got any ideas why this is happening?


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1 reply

Userlevel 4
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Hi @tapmaxalf,

Are you able to reproduce the error as well? If not, and everything else seems to be correct in your configuration and purchases were working in production, occasionally the reviewer may be in a country that your app does not have support for and this throws an error. 

If you have been able to reproduce, are you able to get full debug logs of the session and send them in to so that we can troubleshoot further?