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I am testing a scenario where the user bought a subscription with an iPhone and tries to manage his subscription using an Android device. RevenueCat’s SDK gives me this link to manage the subscriptions: purchaseInfo.managementURL =

When my app lauches this URL, the user is sent to Apple’s Music website, which instructs the user to install Apple Music app.

I installed Apple Music app as per Apple’s instructions, and tried to manage the Apple subscriptions from an Android device again. This time my app launches and Apple’s Music Android app is opened, but it stays in a never ending loading animation, so I can’t access my subscriptions from this URL.

I also tried opening this same URL from a browser on a Windows PC, but the page also never ends loading, with the following message:


Hello Ulysses, 

The user would not able to directly manage/change their Google subscription on an iOS or vice versa. 

We have discussed a workaround on this ongoing github thread earlier this year. 

We hope this helps you a bit, let us know if you have any questions further. 

Very Best, 



