I am testing a scenario where the user bought a subscription with an iPhone and tries to manage his subscription using an Android device. RevenueCat’s SDK gives me this link to manage the subscriptions: purchaseInfo.managementURL = https://apps.apple.com/account/subscriptions.
When my app lauches this URL, the user is sent to Apple’s Music website, which instructs the user to install Apple Music app.
I installed Apple Music app as per Apple’s instructions, and tried to manage the Apple subscriptions from an Android device again. This time my app launches https://apps.apple.com/account/subscriptions and Apple’s Music Android app is opened, but it stays in a never ending loading animation, so I can’t access my subscriptions from this https://apps.apple.com/account/subscriptions URL.
I also tried opening this same URL from a browser on a Windows PC, but the page also never ends loading, with the following message: