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Where can I find our free trial to paid subscription conversion?

  • 2 November 2023
  • 4 replies

None of the graphs show me this data. I want to see what percentage of our users who begin trials convert to paying users when their trials expire. Where can I find this information? 

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi, you can use our trial conversion chart for this data:

Badge +3

This graph tells me that everyone in trials is pending and no one has converted, but I know that is not true because looking at individual customers I can see that they have converted from trials to paid users. Is there some setting or filter I need to change to get the correct data? 


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi @alex-2234656, you’ll want to make sure that you are correctly reading the chart in terms of refresh time and cohorting. If you view the ‘i’ next to the chart name, it will let you know when the chart data was last refreshed. Note that this chart is cohorted by the earliest date that a customer:

  1. Was "first seen" (first opened your app), or
  2. Made their first purchase (for purchases made outside of your app, like promoted purchases in the App Store)

Example: If a customer first opened your app on April 15th, 2022, but didn't make a purchase until May 21st, 2022, they would be included in the April 15th cohort.


If you are still seeing issues with this, please open a support ticket here so we can view your charts and customer data directly to see what is happening here:
