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What event does FTE(free trial end) triggers?

  • 27 October 2021
  • 1 reply

We’re getting a sudden influx of cancellation webhook calls after we introduce a new pricing model.

It has 7-days free trial period and then monthly subscription.

What events should be triggered given this user story:

  • User starts a free trial
  • Free trial ends after a week
  • User chooses not to go on with the plan

I think events trigger like the following: `INITIAL_PURCHASE` → `CANCELLATION`. Is it correct? If FTE does not trigger `CANCELLATION` event, we can’t explain cancellation increase.


Additional Question:

Also in revenue cat charts, do active subscription contains trial users? Or active subscription chart and active trial chart are not related to each other?


Hey @justanotherdev 

Given your user story, these are the following events that will be sent:

  • User starts a free trial → INITIAL_PURCHASE
  • Free trial ends after a week and user chooses not to go on with the plan
    • This can have 2 paths, either the customer opted out of renewal before the trial ended or after
      • Opted out before trial ends: CANCELLATION → EXPIRATION 
      • Opted out after trial ends: RENEWAL → CANCELLATION → EXPIRATION 

A CANCELLATION event just lets you know that the subscriber has opted out of renewal and their subscription will not continuing at the end of the billing period. The EXPIRATION event will let you know when the subscription has expired and access should be removed. 

Also in revenue cat charts, do active subscription contains trial users? Or active subscription chart and active trial chart are not related to each other?

These two charts are not related to each other. The Active Subscriptions chart shows the number of unexpired, paid subscriptions at the end of the period (what’s considered as active). While Active Trial chart is the number of unexpired trial at the end of the period.

