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Hey there,


I would like to know how to check if all payloads are successfully sent to Adjust?

I can see on the individual customer level, but would like to check if all payloads are successfully sent to debug a data discrepancy issue.



Hey @Flo!

We don’t have a way to show all Adjust failures (or any integration) currently but this is something that’s been requested before and we’re keeping it in the backlog.

I was able to take a quick look at your app, and I only see 12 failures since December 1st. 10 of the 12 are all on December 3rd. The only error response I’m seeing is a 404 `Event request failed (Device not found)`

Does that sound like it could be it? What is the discrepancy looking like?

`Event request failed (Device not found)` error in our case happened when we reset IDFA on the device (account) previously purchased, but RevenueCat send RENEW within s2s to Adjust. 
