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Dashboard instability

  • 23 November 2022
  • 3 replies


RevenueCat is having an instability, we cannnot access dashboard, other features are in eternal loading, and the most critical, users in our app cannot purchase.

here is a image: 

Can you provide any feedback of what is causing it?


3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi Bruno, status of the incident is being shared here 

Badge +5

Hi Miguel,


Thank you for shring the updates.

Is this happening because of a dramatic increases on transactions? Maybe correlated to Black Friday. 

Hopefully you are prepared to the next days 🤞🏻


All best,


Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi Bruno, 


No, it’s not related to load. We should be in a good position for that. The problem was due to an upgrade of the database that was forced by AWS. We tried to get ahead of it and plan accordingly, and we run multiple dry-runs. Unfortunately, there were a few things we did not anticipate and produced the outage. We will be sharing a full post-mortem publicly soon.
