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Good afternoon,

We are looking into building some reconciliation tools for our team to better understand and ensure that our mobile users are being properly registered into Revenuecat. We want to compare our users in our database and make sure every user has a corresponding Revenuecat record.

Currently, we have team members manually running the data export job from Revenuecat and comparing user IDs from a data dump of our database. We are wanting to automate this process.

Comparing the v1 and v2 REST API endpoints available, I do not see a good way to get a list of customers that exist in Revenuecat. In v1, I see there’s a customer endpoint that accepts an app_user_id as a route param, but this would require many API calls to loop through every user. And, on v2, the only customer endpoint available only returns web customers, and it’s still based on a customer ID.

I would like an endpoint that returns a list of customers that has the following:

  • app user id
  • email

Currently, that’s all we’re really looking for in the endpoint. I’m sure there’s more data points that could be added in.


That endpoint can return customer data for the store on our beta version. I’ve asked our team to add you to the beta so you can use this endpoint and I’ll let you know when I have an update.