Analytics: Average days of subscriber retention before voluntary churn

  • 26 November 2021
  • 4 replies

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Is there a way in revenue cat to see how long (days, weeks, months) an users are premium paid subscribers before they voluntarily churn? Ideally this would be a cohort chart.


I see there is a cohort chart, but I am trying to see this in days. On average how many days before someone churns. Is there already a way to see that that I am missing?

4 replies

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Update. Was able to find the daily chart and graph within the retention chart but when i switched to daily the data only showed zero - but with monthly it worked. not sure if that is a related to our data or if its a bug. anyone else experiencing that?

Userlevel 5
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Hi @Dave , the chart you are looking at only looks at subscription churn, i.e., when subscriptions expire (and unless you’re selling daily plans, they don’t expire daily – e.g. an annual subscription by definition doesn’t churn until after a year). 


How are you defining voluntary churn, i.e., when would you consider a customer as churned? We have some ideas for additional charts that may go into the direction of what you are thinking about, and I’d love to understand what your definition is of churn.

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thanks @Jens! i see what you mean — that makes sense!

I am trying to figure out — on average / or based on signup date cohorts — how many days a user stays premium before they cancel. in this case — im thinking about churn as they date they decide to cancel their premium subscription, not the effective date that the plan ends.

we are trying to identifiy ways to prevent that cancellation, by showing users more ways to get value from the app - perhaps through better onboarding. As part of that I want to figure out what days would be most effective to share that information.

Does that help you understand our use case, and the type of data we may need to help with this goal?

Userlevel 5
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Thanks @Dave . We’ve heard a similar kind of request before and have some ideas in store that might help with this going forward. Keep your eyes peeled!
