Hey folks! I've just tried using Paywalls v2 instead of my own custom paywall and I find a few things confusing that I couldn't clarify in the documentation or repo. I would love to know how things are supposed to work:
- If I press "Restore" when there is nothing to restore, I don't get either
callbacks triggered. Nothing happens on the UI - the button changes to a loader for a few seconds and then just goes back to normal. I find it confusing and would expect something to happen to at least notify the user about what's happening. - Does the paywall close by itself after a successful purchase? I see navigation happening twice after migration from custom code, where I had a manual navigation call. But when I removed it, my testers said that in TestFlight the paywall didn't close, and moreover they couldn't close it themselves via the close button; only reloading the app helped.
- I also noticed a new crash that appeared only on the commit adding custom paywall:
App Hanging RCTBackedTextFieldDelegateAdapter.textFieldDidChange
App hanging for at least 2000 ms.
I'm not 100% sure if it's related to Paywalls, but would rather put it here in case it is an ongoing issue.
Would really appreciate getting an answer soon!