Hi! Just want to share our experience with App Store and app review team not able to fetch products.
So we got rejected several times because product prices were not showing up for app review team, while local testing on device and also TestFlight consistently worked ok. So we decided to hardcode our subscription prices and it helped, app got released to App Store. But unfortunately payment wasn’t working, as products were coming still empty. We planned several strategies how to debug it, but I really wanted to give it a time, because a lot of users were posting that it took up to 24 hours for payments to propagate. In our case it took ~72 hours! But it works now! So guys don’t loose hope and just give it a time.
P.S. while waiting for payments to propagate, on Approved subscriptions page we fixed typo in our subscription Localization and it turned into waiting for review status. Payments started working as our localization got approved. So not sure at all but maybe it helped payments to propagate 🤷