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In our app, we have 3 different subscriptions (entitlements) that users can purchase. On Android and iOS side everything works fine as expected. But, in web, when user subscribes through stripe checkout session, when we post the subscription id to RC server successfully, the subscription does show up with appropriate (stripe) product.

But, for some reason the entitlement the product belongs to is not attached with the customer’s subscription.



We do provide the accurate `app_user_id` and `fetch_token` (stripe subscription id) on the receipt.

Our app uses the customer’s entitlement to unlock the level of feature. So, if there’s no entitlement attached to their purchase, the app can’t allow user to access the paid feature.

Hi! I took a look at your configuration in RevenueCat and it looks like there are 3 Products for your non-sandbox Stripe app that do not have entitlements associated with them. I took a look at an example of a user who experienced this (I can share the app user ID if you would like, but just didn’t want to without asking in case you did not want them shared publicly) and the RevenueCat product that is attached to the transaction that is not granting them the entitlement is one of these products without entitlements attached.