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Does anyone know what the exact login is in the backend for determining new subscribers in a given month for iOS? We’re migrating from Tableau / App Store API and have about a 10% gap to understand. We have a simple annual subscription with a free 7-day trial and occasional intro price offers which complicate the event type math for doing new subs. 


So I’m wondering if the exact RC logic for calculating new subs in a period for iOS is available to better understand the differences we’re seeing. For example, it takes the SUM of events “Conversions to Standard Price” and “Reactivations” and “Activations {where duration = 1yr”} something like that?

Hi, RevenueCat calculates new subscriptions in our charts by checking the receipt to see if it is a new subscription and take the sum that way. If you are seeing a discrepancy between App Store Connect and RevenueCat, you can always expect some difference between App Store Connect's data and RevenueCat's data since we don't plug into App Store Connect directly at all.


Our metrics are all generated as a snapshot from the receipt files we have saved for your users. Additionally, timezone differences (we use UTC, Apple uses PST) as well as calendar months (us) vs. fiscal months (Apple) is often the reason for discrepancies like this. We've put together most of what we know about why data is different in an article on data discrepancies here that's worth a read:

