We have an AppsFlyer Integration that occasionally uses the customer_user_id as the appsflyer_id. Does anyone know why this would happen?
Here’s an (anonymized) example.
"af_events_api": "true",
“appsflyer_id": "aaaaBBBBCCC",
"bundleIdentifier": "com.bundle.app,
“customer_user_id": "aaaBBBBCCC",
"eventCurrency": "USD",
"eventName": "renewal_event",
"eventTime": "2021-10-08 21:27:43.000",
"eventValue": "{\"af_revenue\": \"5.99\", \"renewal\": \"true\", \"af_content_id\": \"monthly_plan\", \"af_currency\": \"USD\"}"
A correct appsflyer_id looks like a Unix Epoch timestamp with a random number appended like this.
"appsflyer_id": "1617274484000-5786735",
Does anyone know why it occasionally doesn’t have the correct Appsflyer ID?