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As a business it’s critical for us to receive this event data in CleverTap from RevCat.

  1. "price" (we do not need "price_in_purchase_currency" - we'd like to have it all show in RevCat as US dollars)
  2. "product_id"

We want to adjust and add PROPERTIES to the existing events. We are not adding new events.

How can we do this?  

Is there another way to send the data?

Any thoughts here?  This is a key component for our business to action on?

Hey @Kristen 

  1. This isn’t possible at the moment. However, you can always build your own integration using our webhooks and send the event to CleverTap directly
  2. We have an engineering task at the moment that might address this. 

Thanks Tina! Can you please explain more about the engineering task you mention above? 

RevenueCat is already capturing what we need, we just need those 2 things - price & product_id sent to CleverTap so that we can segment on our end. This is critical for our business to action on. We have no visibility into which entitlements are selected, so we have no way to message our customers.  Please let us know if you can help or if there is someone on the RevenueCat side we can discuss this with further. 


Thank you,


hi all! We need the same thing. We just hooked up Revenue Cat to our new CleverTap instance and the biggest issue right now is that we cannot determine which users are monthly, yearly etc subscribers. 


Any idea when this will be available? 


@Kristen I think you’re from MM??! I know Jillian! Did you guys solve this? 

Hello everybody! I have the same issue here.

We just implemented RecenueCat (we used Qonversion) and in the first week I'm already missing the "product_id" event property. We have 2 different subscription products, like "silver" and "gold" subscription plans, and we have to communicate differently with with people according to the product they are subscribed, because the available features are different for each "product_id".

@tina Since a few months have gone by since the beggining of this thread, I was wondering if it's there any news on this subject, which is implementing the "product_id" as an event property sent from RevenueCat to Clevertap.
