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Great job on getting API V2 to work RC team! 😻  I confirmed that the endpoints I wanted to use (e.g. /subscriptions) are working as intended and sharing more helpful info than V1.

I was wondering if there is any chance to add a add an endpoint to get the list of all payments (i.e. activities) of a customer? Currently, it’s shown in the dashboard under Customer History box.

Checking on the Network tab of my browser, it seems like the data is coming from which is an internal endpoint. So, the data and the formatting is there–It’s just a matter of exposing it as the external API.

  1. Is there any chance that it will happen anytime soon?
  2. Is this against the rules and Terms of Service to call that internal endpoint programmatically (and occasionally) to get the data for our own internal dashboard?




I will forward this as a feature request to our api v2 team on your behalf!

(as for the internal endpoint, you won’t be able to hit those from outside the dashboard)