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Web Billing: Allow upgrade/plan swithcing?


I’m using Web Billing and want to make sure upgrades work for my customers, without having the possibility they could be paying for two subscriptions at the same time.

I have one entitlement (premium) and two products (annual and monthly). I want to allow customers to switch, and have that switch happen at the end of the current period (i.e. end of the month for monthly, or year for annual). Is there a way to do that with web billing? 

If it must be done by canceling and re-subscribing, and they canceled with time left on the period, are they able to immediately re-subscribe? For instance, a monthly customer is set to renew on March 15, 2025. They want to switch to Annual. Can they cancel and immediately subscribe to annual, but not get charged until March 15, 2025? Or get charged immediately, but have their entitlement extended to March 15, 2026 anyway?

Or, is there a way that I can let a Monthly customer subscribe to Annual and then automatically use the API to trigger a cancellation of their Monthly membership, and a reset of their current_period_ends_at field?

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • March 6, 2025

Hi! I’m on the Web Billing team at RevenueCat. Happy to say that we’re working on plan switching as a feature, meaning that your customers will be able to self-select a different product and we’ll handle the transition (including prorating the fees, etc.) — no concrete timeline on this yet, but we’ll be working on it in Q2 of this year.

If it must be done by canceling and re-subscribing, and they canceled with time left on the period, are they able to immediately re-subscribe?

Right now if a subscription is canceled, it will still remain active until the renewal date, and then cancel. So it wouldn’t be possible for the customer to re-subscribe right away.

Hope this helps!



Thank you! So there would currently be no way if a customer cancels (even accidentally) for them to re-subscribe without having a gap in their membership? Could we do it manually if a customer contacted us for instance? 

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • March 12, 2025

Sure! If a customer cancels, they can always revert that cancelation and reactivate their subscription in the customer portal — but only to the same product.

For transitioning to a different product, right now you could manually grant an entitlement to a customer from the dashboard to cover the transition, so they don’t have a gap in their entitlement as they transition.



Hi ​@mr_ed -- wanted to +1 the need for upgrade/downgrade for web billing. I saw you gave some guidance on when you would start working on it, but we need to decide whether to invest in solving this now outside of Revenuecat, or whether to wait.

Our plans each have usage caps. So if a user hits their usage cap, they likely want to upgrade to a higher plan. Right now for users who subscribe via web billing, my understanding is they literally could not upgrade. Is there some workaround you might propose for us?

I imagine we’re not the only ones who’d need this.

Thanks in advance!

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • March 21, 2025

Hi ​@canyonlife, thanks for adding your voice here, and the additional context. With usage-capped plans I can definitely see the urgency to enable self-serve plan upgrades, which are pretty fundamental to the model.

Realistically I don’t think there’s a workaround that would work for you right now — there’s a set of very manual steps that make this technically possible (manually grant entitlements, cancel existing subscriptions and direct users to subscribe to new plans), but I don’t think this is realistic to do at scale, given the friction involved.

This is really top priority for us to support right now, and I’d love to get some more input from you to make sure what we’re planning is aligned with how you’d want the feature to work. I’d also add you to a beta list so that you could get the earliest possible access.

If you’re open to a feedback chat, feel free to email me ( and I’d be happy to schedule something. Would love to hear more about the usage-capped model and how we can better support that in Web Billing too.



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