I’m upgrading an existing paid app to a yearly subscription model, and have followed this guide: https://www.revenuecat.com/blog/converting-a-paid-ios-app-to-subscriptions
and got everything set up within my app, tested it using a sandbox, and made sure that the entitlements are working ok when I subscribe.
One thing I’m unsure about is that I want existing users (those with v1 of the app) to get a year’s free subscription, and then after that, have them go onto a reoccuring subscription.
In RevenueCat, I’ve set up a package that has full access with a 14 day free trial (called “full”). I’m calling this code:
func syncReceipts (completion: ((Purchases.PurchaserInfo?) -> Void)? = nil) {
entitlements: .init(entitlement: RevenueCat.Entitlements.full.rawValue, compatibleVersions:p"1.0","1.0.1","1.0.2","1.1"])],
completion: completion
func checkAccess(result: @escaping ((_ isActive: Bool, _ purchaserInfo: Purchases.PurchaserInfo?) -> Void)) {
CompatibilityAccessManager.shared.entitlementIsActiveWithCompatibility(entitlement: RevenueCat.Entitlements.full.rawValue, result: result)
to make sure the user has access to the entitlement, but will this grant them permanent access, or is the equivalent of signing up to the subscription (i.e. it will last a year then renew)?
Many thanks,