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Unity setup with several scenes



I’m integrating RevenueCat in a Unity app with several scenes.

In the Scene 1 I have created a game object that includes the reference to the “Purchases” script. In this scene with have all the logic to manage subscriptions.

This scene open another scenes where we don’t have a reference to “Purchases” script (it’s not needed).

The usual user workflow is Scene 1 → Scene 2 → Scene 1 → Scene 2,…

My questions is: Every time the first scene is loaded the “Purchases” script calls to Configure method but I have read that this is not a good approach. How are you guys doing this? Is it ok to call Configure method every time the user open the Scene 1?


Thank you!


Best answer by juan.riveros


Finally solved! Thank you to the RevenueCat team for the support by email 👍

Writing here the solution used just in case anyone need it in the future:

  1. Create an empty first Scene (you don’t need to go back to this scene later) with one GameObject that includes:
    1. Purchases Script.
    2. A custom Singleton script with DontDestroyOnLoad.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class RevenueCatInit : Purchases.UpdatedCustomerInfoListener
    public static RevenueCatInit Instance { get; private set; }

    public Purchases purchases; 
    private bool purchasesConfigured = false;

	void Awake()
        if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
        Instance = this;

    void Start()
        SceneManager.LoadScene("Start"); // Go directly to first scene

    public void ConfigurePurchases(string userID)
        if (!purchasesConfigured)
            // Add HERE the call to purchases.Configure if you want (like me) configure RevenueCat once you have the usedID.

            purchasesConfigured = true;


    public override void CustomerInfoReceived(Purchases.CustomerInfo customerInfo)
         // I didn't use it
  1. Then from any other scene you can get access to Purchases like this:

RevenueCatInit.Instance.purchases.GetOfferings((offerings, error) =>


Ready to lauch!! 😎

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3 replies

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 329 replies
  • November 20, 2023

Hey @juan.riveros,

I’m definitely not an expert in Unity so I hope other developers can chime in to give you an idea of how they configure, but I can confirm that configuring multiple times is not a good idea and can lead to some unexpected behavior and crashes. 

It could be help to check out our sample unity app here:


  • Author
  • Helper
  • 2 replies
  • November 20, 2023

Hi Kaitlin,

Thanks for your response. I have checked the sample but it uses only one scene.

It seems like not many users are using Unity with RevenueCat… red flag? 🤔


  • Author
  • Helper
  • 2 replies
  • Answer
  • November 28, 2023


Finally solved! Thank you to the RevenueCat team for the support by email 👍

Writing here the solution used just in case anyone need it in the future:

  1. Create an empty first Scene (you don’t need to go back to this scene later) with one GameObject that includes:
    1. Purchases Script.
    2. A custom Singleton script with DontDestroyOnLoad.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class RevenueCatInit : Purchases.UpdatedCustomerInfoListener
    public static RevenueCatInit Instance { get; private set; }

    public Purchases purchases; 
    private bool purchasesConfigured = false;

	void Awake()
        if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
        Instance = this;

    void Start()
        SceneManager.LoadScene("Start"); // Go directly to first scene

    public void ConfigurePurchases(string userID)
        if (!purchasesConfigured)
            // Add HERE the call to purchases.Configure if you want (like me) configure RevenueCat once you have the usedID.

            purchasesConfigured = true;


    public override void CustomerInfoReceived(Purchases.CustomerInfo customerInfo)
         // I didn't use it
  1. Then from any other scene you can get access to Purchases like this:

RevenueCatInit.Instance.purchases.GetOfferings((offerings, error) =>


Ready to lauch!! 😎


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