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Unity setup with several scenes

  • 16 November 2023
  • 3 replies


I’m integrating RevenueCat in a Unity app with several scenes.

In the Scene 1 I have created a game object that includes the reference to the “Purchases” script. In this scene with have all the logic to manage subscriptions.

This scene open another scenes where we don’t have a reference to “Purchases” script (it’s not needed).

The usual user workflow is Scene 1 → Scene 2 → Scene 1 → Scene 2,…

My questions is: Every time the first scene is loaded the “Purchases” script calls to Configure method but I have read that this is not a good approach. How are you guys doing this? Is it ok to call Configure method every time the user open the Scene 1?


Thank you!


Hey @juan.riveros,

I’m definitely not an expert in Unity so I hope other developers can chime in to give you an idea of how they configure, but I can confirm that configuring multiple times is not a good idea and can lead to some unexpected behavior and crashes. 

It could be help to check out our sample unity app here:


Hi Kaitlin,

Thanks for your response. I have checked the sample but it uses only one scene.

It seems like not many users are using Unity with RevenueCat… red flag? 🤔



Finally solved! Thank you to the RevenueCat team for the support by email 👍

Writing here the solution used just in case anyone need it in the future:

  1. Create an empty first Scene (you don’t need to go back to this scene later) with one GameObject that includes:
    1. Purchases Script.
    2. A custom Singleton script with DontDestroyOnLoad.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class RevenueCatInit : Purchases.UpdatedCustomerInfoListener
public static RevenueCatInit Instance { get; private set; }

public Purchases purchases;
private bool purchasesConfigured = false;

void Awake()
if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
Instance = this;

void Start()
SceneManager.LoadScene("Start"); // Go directly to first scene

public void ConfigurePurchases(string userID)
if (!purchasesConfigured)
// Add HERE the call to purchases.Configure if you want (like me) configure RevenueCat once you have the usedID.

purchasesConfigured = true;


public override void CustomerInfoReceived(Purchases.CustomerInfo customerInfo)
// I didn't use it
  1. Then from any other scene you can get access to Purchases like this:

RevenueCatInit.Instance.purchases.GetOfferings((offerings, error) =>


Ready to lauch!! 😎
