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unity 3D Android Resolver Problem

  • 28 January 2023
  • 7 replies

After importing the RevenuCat package along side Admob, android resolver in unity runs and runs for like 30 mins and crashes, also happens when importing AdMob after importing RevenuCat


7 replies

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Here is the file with error info attached

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @Vinay Teja Reddy Anthannagari,

Definitely strange - I’m not sure we have enough context to know if this is directly related the Purchases import. What method of installation are you using? Are you able to compile with each of the packages individually?

Badge +2

Yes, each of the packages are successfully compiled ,but when one after the other is imported then I get these errors

Badge +2

Hey @Vinay Teja Reddy Anthannagari,

Definitely strange - I’m not sure we have enough context to know if this is directly related the Purchases import. What method of installation are you using? Are you able to compile with each of the packages individually?

Yes, each of the packages are successfully compiled ,but when one after the other is imported then I get these errors, i have to release the game in 15 days, need solution ASAP  for this

Badge +2

Hey @Vinay Teja Reddy Anthannagari,

Definitely strange - I’m not sure we have enough context to know if this is directly related the Purchases import. What method of installation are you using? Are you able to compile with each of the packages individually?

Hi, able to successfully build the project by deduplicating the imported library files manually, did not test till now if it is working or not, will test before release and post here 🙏

Badge +2

Does not work, error all the time, given up

Badge +2

i solved the problem,

  1. First import AdMob package ,but import only the file inside the folder GoogleMobileAds with the name “GoogleMobileAdsDependencies.xml”
  2. update the dependencies in the file to latest version, point 3 is original file, point 4 is updated file after changing versions
  3. <!--Below is the original file before version change-->
    <androidPackage spec="">
    <androidPackage spec="androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.4.1">
    <androidPackage spec="androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:2.4.1">

    <iosPod name="Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK" version="~> 9.11">
  4. <dependencies>
    <androidPackage spec="">
    <androidPackage spec="androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.5.1">
    <androidPackage spec="androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:2.5.1">

    <iosPod name="Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK" version="~> 9.11">


  5. then reimport AdMob package ,untick the “GoogleMobileAdsDependencies.xml” file before importing
  6. android resolver will do it’s work
  7. then “Clean Build” the project
  8. Successfully Built and no dependency problem with RevenueCat package.
