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😿‼️ There is already another active subscriber using the same receipt.

  • February 25, 2025
  • 0 replies


Greetings, I am facing this scenario in sandbox:-

  1. User A subscribes to Subscription Group A, it is a success.
  2. User A logs out.
  3. User B logs in (Purchases.login(NEW_APP_ID)) (same App Store account)
  4. User B subscribes to Subscription Group B, it is an error.

ERROR:  Product purchase for '<Subscription Group B>' failed with error: PurchasesError(error: There is already another active subscriber using the same receipt., userInfo: ["NSUnderlyingError": Error Domain=RevenueCat.BackendErrorCode Code=7102 "There is already another active subscriber using the same receipt.


  1. User A is now subscribed to Subscription Group A and Subscription Group B simultaneously (webhook is alternating between the two)

How can I stop Group B’s subscription being given to User A? If “Keep with Original App User ID” is set, then User B’s subscriptions will be given to User A. If “Transfer with New App User ID” is set, User A’s subscriptions will be set for User B. But I need both to keep their current state and be independent from the other.

Would merging Group B’s subscriptions with Group A solve it? Because at least then, no two subscriptions can be active .. and it would throw an error? Or we are back at square one and it will set for upgrade/downgrade for option set in RevenueCat regarding transfers…?

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