Hello, we’ve recently implemented ios subscription offer codes, to give user a free trial for a certain amount of time. While testing the testflight version (ready to submit), and trying out those production offer codes, the user is redirected to the app store (https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/ios-subscription-offers) and purchases the subscription successfully...but when returning to the app it seams like RC does not catch that purchase and therefor user has no premium content access (I suppose RC does not receive the users track receipt and therefore can not send webhook for this event). We were being advised from your support to sync the user (call syncPurchases method before the user leaves the app and after the purchase (on foreground)), but I’ve came across the docs saying that we should not call sync purchases progammaticaly (
) so can you please expain how to use it the proper way inside our React Native app. thanks