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Support for @capacitor/core 6.0 for Android API Level34

  • 24 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Android is requiring all Appstore submissions target API Level 34 from 8/30 onwards. This involves moving from @capacitor/core 5.x to 6.x. The SDK is currently set to require @capacitor/core 5.x. Will there be an update to target 6.x?

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Userlevel 2
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Hi @wctplan - we have a beta 8.0.0 release available that supports Android API 34, which you can upgrade to before the stable release is available (our core SDK team is working on this). 

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@jeffrey_bunn looks like it’s coming along, do you have a rough estimate on when the official 8.0 would go out? 

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@jeffrey_bunn looks like it’s coming along, do you have a rough estimate on when the official 8.0 would go out? 


Hopefully before long before 8/30, as I’m not willing to ship beta code into production with my customers - so will be waiting patiently and will still need time to test the new release on my end before I can roll an update.