Hi all,
I tested various setups now and when I am fetching my active entitlements like...
Purchases.getOfferings().then((value) async {
PurchaserInfo purchaserInfo = await Purchases.getPurchaserInfo();
EntitlementInfos _infos = purchaserInfo.entitlements;
...I get correct data right after the purchase until the first renewal, after that, my monthly subscription is missing in purchaserInfo.entitlements.active even though it is still active in Play Store and order management does not show any purchase errors, only normal renewal. Then its seems, that right after the second renewal, I get correct data again, meaning that my monthly subscription is showing up again in purchaserInfo.entitlements.active. It seems others had similar issues, and this is preventing me to go into production as uncontrolled cancellation would not be very nice.
It seems that this is an RC issue, any help with this is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!