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Stripe 7103 The receipt is not valid.

  • 9 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello RevenueCat team and community!

I’m trying to integrate Stripe with RC and so far i’ve been following the steps of this documentation

After receiving both checkout events in my backend server: customer.subscription.created and checkout.session.completed I send a POST request to the receipts endpoints. 

Every time I send a request the response I get is the following:

"message":"The receipt is not valid."

Even if I try to send manual requests from the terminal using cURL i will get the same response. Here is an example:

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Platform: stripe' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer strp_xxxxx' \
-d '{ "app_user_id": "my_app_user_id",
"fetch_token": "sub_xxxxx"

I took the Authorization token from the Stripe App Public API KEY created in the RC dashboard

Some additional info:

  • I’m not the owner of the RC project, neither the Stripe account. Yet I have admin privileges in both accounts so I’m able to connect the RC account with the Stripe Account thru the RC app in the Stripe Dashboard.
  • Tried several times to unlink, uninstall and start again the integration process
  • Tried with Stripe live products and test products.

Have anyone faced the same issue? 

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @franco-damiani-6cdbfa,

The owner of the RevenueCat project needs to link the Stripe account in RevenueCat. Do you know if that happened? 


Hey @franco-damiani-6cdbfa,

The owner of the RevenueCat project needs to link the Stripe account in RevenueCat. Do you know if that happened? 

That was exactly the problem. As an admin you can link your ReveuneCat account to Stripe but the API will only work if the person that links Stripe to RC is the owner of the project.
