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'StoreProblemError' and 'IneligibleError'


A long time ago we implemented in app purchases in our application through RevenueCat and it was working fine until we got this two issues from users.

1)First -

errorCode: PurchasesErrorCode.storeProblemError,

details: {code: 2, message: There was a problem with the App Store., readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred, readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM},

It appears in logs when users are trying to press "subscription buy button".

We didn’t touch any implementation of this and configuration in App Store Connect or RevenueCat so it’s just happening for some reasons of App Store?

Also, maybe this information will be helpful - previous build was rejected in first attempt because of ‘cannot locate iAP’ after build was approved but in this build appeared this issue.


2)Second - 

errorCode: PurchasesErrorCode.ineligibleError,

details: {code: 18, message: The User is ineligible for that action., underlyingErrorMessage: User is ineligible for promotional offer., readable_error_code: INELIGIBLE_ERROR, readableErrorCode: INELIGIBLE_ERROR},

Also a few users are getting this issue in the logs, we have condition for checking Eligibility Status and it was working fine, but in build after rejetion we see issue in the logs in production. It can be related to the first issue of AppStore or why this can appears?

if (isEligible.values.first.status == IntroEligibilityStatus.introEligibilityStatusEligible) 
 purchaserInfo = await Purchases.purchaseDiscountedPackage(familyPackage, paymentDiscount); 
 purchaserInfo = await Purchases.purchasePackage(familyPackage); 

Looking forward for your reply!

Thank you,

5 replies

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 497 replies
  • May 20, 2022

Hey @EsConts!

STORE_PROBLEM errors are common and are related to issues with the App Store. We unfortunately don’t have a lot of insight into why these occur, but we’ve tried to document what we know here:

Regarding ineligible users - Promotional Offers are only available for existing or lapsed subscribers. Maybe you’re showing this offer to a user who hasn’t subscribed yet?


We have been seeing this error a lot over the last three months. We’ve lost many sales because users normally will not attempt the purchase a second time. 

I read the link posted above stating this is on the Apple side, however, with the large number of occurrences we’re seeing I feel strongly that this needs to be investigated further. I’m willing to assist RC with any details from our account if that is helpful.

The app this is occurring on is written in Flutter using purchases_flutter version: 3.10.0.

We were not seeing these errors (or maybe not detecting them) in our native iOS implementation.

Error Message returned to client:

There was a problem with the App Store. Details: {code: 2, message: There was a problem with the App Store., readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred, readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM}


Please help!

Thank you,



Digging into our logs more I see we are also getting a lot of this error from the Play Store.

{code: 2, message: There was a problem with the Play Store., readableErrorCode: StoreProblemError, readable_error_code: StoreProblemError, underlyingErrorMessage: Google Play Error: Invalid Value, userCancelled: false}




{code: 2, message: There was a problem with the Play Store., readableErrorCode: StoreProblemError, readable_error_code: StoreProblemError, underlyingErrorMessage: Error updating purchases. DebugMessage: . ErrorCode: SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE., userCancelled: false}


{code: 2, message: There was a problem with the Play Store., readableErrorCode: StoreProblemError, readable_error_code: StoreProblemError, underlyingErrorMessage: Error updating purchases. DebugMessage: . ErrorCode: ERROR., userCancelled: false}

Cameron Napoli

I’m also seeing this error frequently and think this bug needs looking more into:

Error on Android 10 device with React Native:

  "nativeStackAndroid": [],
  "userInfo": {
    "userCancelled": false,
    "code": 2,
    "underlyingErrorMessage": "Google Play Error: Invalid Value",
    "readableErrorCode": "StoreProblemError",
    "readable_error_code": "StoreProblemError",
    "message": "There was a problem with the store."
  "message": "There was a problem with the store.",
  "code": "2",
  "userCancelled": false,
  "line": 53,
  "column": 1121,
  "sourceURL": ""

The package the user tried purchasing:

  "offeringIdentifier": "default",
  "product": {
    "introPrice": null,
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "priceString": "US$199.99",
    "productCategory": "NON_SUBSCRIPTION",
    "price": 199.99,
    "title": "Plus - Lifetime",
    "productType": "CONSUMABLE",
    "discounts": null,
    "description": "Lifetime access to Plus",
    "identifier": "plus_lifetime"
  "packageType": "LIFETIME",
  "identifier": "$rc_lifetime"



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