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Sandbox data for non subscription

  • 18 July 2022
  • 1 reply


I have tested subscriptions using RC and verified that the transactions appear in the Sandbox. Now I want to test purchasing In App Products from Google Play. I have set up the products in play console and configured the products and offerings in RC as well. I was able to use the RC API to make the purchase using Test Card from my app but the transactions don’t show up in the Sandbox. Is there a different place where non-subscription transactions are stored?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hey @dvnathan 

It sounds like you’re using RevenueCat’s default sandbox customer list here. Our customer lists have a cache, which is why you’re not seeing the new customer appear in a list immediately. To confirm the sandbox subscription in RevenueCat, you can either search the app user ID directly or check out the Recent Transactions table, which shows transactions in real-time. Be sure to have the ‘View sandbox data’ toggle on.
