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Hey everyone I’m running into an error after updating my purchases_flutter to 5.0.0 - heres what happens when I run “flutter run -v”


>  +96 ms] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
t   +1 ms] * What went wrong:
w        ] Execution failed for task ':purchases_flutter:processDebugManifest'.
M        ] > Failed to calculate the value of task ':purchases_flutter:processDebugManifest' property 'packageOverride'.
k        ]    > Failed to query the value of property 'applicationId'.
r        ]       > Package Name not found in /Users/<placeholder_folder_name>/.pub-cache/hosted/

Does anyone have any idea on how I can resolve this? Thanks!

Solved my own issue 🙂 - It seems after upgrading Gradle I no longer ran into the error above.

For those who run into this issue,  I upgraded Gradle to 7.0.1, i.e. 


  • classpath ""


  • distributionUrl=https\://
